We asked this year’s cohort what they felt the most valuable part of the Student Officer Support Programme (SOSP) was for their students’ union, and one SU CEO’s response summed up the general feeling…
“The officers having an independent advisor/mentor separate from the Union but that have an understanding of how unions work. It’s a dedicated space where they can vent but also grow and evolve with someone they trust.”
As a programme member, the level of accessibility to our mentors Monday to Friday, coupled with our specialist students’ union development expertise is unmatched. At a time when budgets are tight, Coole Insight’s offer becomes even more valuable to students’ unions when considering the level of year-round support for SU staff and officers. The remote access (and in some cases additional site visits) that SU's have to highly experienced senior manager level advice is second to none, and is all part of Coole Insight’s very deliberate, and intentional mission to help students’ unions to be the best they can be!
To support this, 18 students’ unions were asked to rated us as follows in terms of value for money:
Excellent VFM – 29%
Very Good VFM – 53%
Good VFM – 18%
Oh, and as a Programme member you receive exclusive access to our lowest day rate when using our wide range of additional services, such as:
Student Officer Induction Training
Trustee Induction Training
Organisational Health Reviews
Conflict Resolution
Team Building
SU Staff Mentoring & 360 Reviews
Interim and short term specialist capacity at all levels
and more!
Building SU Culture Workshop for all SU employees
We are now taking expressions of interest before launching the latest edition of the programme later this month. If you are looking to participate in the 2024/25 cohort or want to learn more please email Jamie Stratton – jamie@cooleinsightltd.co.uk, or Steve Coole – steve@cooleinsightltd.co.uk.