In addition to our core projects we also offer an array of different services which can be provided as a standalone or alongside each other as a pick and mix according to your needs.
Advice Service Support
We have partnered with Acreditate Ltd and Suki Kaur to bring a range of support to your Unions advice service. From Staffing Support to Service Reviews, Mediation and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion support we are dedicated to supporting your service in the best way that suits your Union.
Insight Reviews
Our reviews are designed to help organisations zoom into specific problems, issues, and/or opportunities. Our reviews cover a range of areas bespoke to your organisation. Whether you require a review of your commercial operation, a deep dive into student opportunities or a review and refresh of your strategic plan, we are able to offer you a tailored solution for your organisation.
Staff 360 Degree Appraisals
In addition to our elected student officer 360 appraisal, we offer a thorough review process for students’ union staff members that considers how they adapt to working in a student-led environment. The appraisal covers a series of core competencies and provides an excellent platform for self-reflection and improvement of these individuals
Conflict Resolution
In a perfect world people and teams would get on seamlessly and would understand each others contribution and needs. We have extensive experience of helping teams and people get over the bumps in the road that comes from working hard for your organisation. Our conflict resolution approaches can fit teams or specific situations between individuals.
Mentoring Services
Our broad range of experience enables us to provide mentoring services for all levels of students’ union operations. From an elected student officer taking on their first full time staff role, to middle managers and Chief Executive Officers, we provide six and twelve month 121 packages that can be tailored to the needs of individuals and is quoted on a case-by-case basis.
Elections Reviews
Ensuring your elections are fair and democratic are an essential part of any strong students' union. Perhaps you want to review your rules, or a specific set of circumstances within an election? We have experienced associates who have acted as Returning Officers and project managers for elections for Students' Unions of any size or shape.