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Ben Vulliamy


Ben has over 20 years management, director and CEO experience in students’ unions, membership bodies and the charity sector where he continues to work as a CEO, as a trustee and as an associate. Recently completing a Masters in voluntary sector and NGO management with the Centre for Charity Effectiveness Ben mixes both practical CEO experience and credibility with the latest academic theory on management and administration.

Well written on students and university life in Wonkhe, THE, AHUA and other sector journals as well as presenting at a range of sector conferences including at ACUI international Ben has developed a profile as a someone who can develop capacity in and impact of organisations with strong partnerships and strategy experience.

Ben’s professional career has incorporated management in students’ Unions and Universities but also reaches into the charity sector more widely, trade unions and a spell in banking. Experienced in elements of board and leadership review and development, leadership recruitment practice and aspects of turnaround work.

"Students’ Unions are organisations that can make a huge impact on university and community life. They occupy a unique space in the lives and relationships of students that is both exciting and challenging in equal measure. The ability of students’ unions to bring together students in their full diversity and to help them connect with the university, with commercial and community partners and others is unparalleled. Building critical ingredients of governance, student leadership, organisational culture and dynamic spaces can create organisations that are transformative for students, universities and communities."

Passionate about people and partnership, strength-based leadership and community building Ben strengthens the unity and profile of organisations in his work and leadership.

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