Molly Purcell
What I work on...
Student Officer Support Programme
Democracy & Governance
My Story
Molly is a membership services professional and has extensive experience of working in Students Unions. Molly was Vice President then President of Essex SU from 2019-2021, leading the organisation through the unique challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic by representing members innovatively, such as leading on and securing a £100k grant stipulated for a pioneering student engagement project, and working with University senior leadership and elected officials to prioritise the student experience. Molly has since worked as Student Voice Manager at Northampton Students' Union and now works at Warwick Students' Union as Projects and Campaigns Manager. At Coole Insight, she specialises in democracy, governance, representation and officer role reviews, and plays a key role in the Student Officer Support Programme.
Molly is a values-driven individual and her passion and experience lie within effective membership services offerings (democracy, governance, voice, and campaigns) and mentoring and coaching sabbatical and part time officers, in order to transform their manifesto ideas into reality, and support them on their leadership journey. She has extensive knowledge of the HE landscape and policy, and how Students’ Unions play a key role in student experience and success, and has been a keynote speaker for Advance HE’s Teaching and Learning Conference.
Molly has delivered governance, democracy and representation reviews at both strategic and operational levels, and is enthusiastic about creating and maintaining effective and positive organisational culture, and the fundamental value that the role that Students' Unions play in the student experience.