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Scott Farmer
Senior Associate (Business Development & Interim Practice)

What I work on...

Interim Practice
Organisational Health Assessments
Democracy & Governance
Training & Development
Business Development


07889 125082

My Story

Scott has extensive experience of working in the Students’ Union and broader youth empowerment sectors. A qualified youth and community practitioner he is a skilled coach, and interim leader with extensive training and facilitation skills.

For Coole Insight he leads our work on Interim practice and is looking at broader business development activities.

Scott first got involved with Students’ Unions at his 6th form college and this continued to University where he was a sabbatical officer for two years at the University of the West of England.

"I felt right at home within the students’ union environment, it gave me so much. A place to fit in, a place where I felt I could truly be myself. I could live my life as an LGBT person and achieved major change within the University with the introduction of anonymous marking, a campaign that reinvigorated a campaign on the national stage as well."

Scott also joined NUS’ Higher Education National Committee and was a Director of NUS Services Ltd, the national purchasing consortium for Students’ Unions.

Passionate about self improvement and development, Scott has been a senior manager within the student movement for over 18 years with 6 periods as an interim Chief Executive. He also set-up and is leading the development of the Association of SU Professionals, a professional association for people working in Students’ Unions. He is also Deputy Chair of the Trustee Board at Wrexham University Students' Union.

Outside of Students' Unions, he is the father of two children, a supporter of Watford FC and is rediscovering the power and benefits of regularly going to the gym.

meet the rest of the team

Yemi Gbajobi
Amy Forrister
Christina Kennedy
Suki Kaur
Stephanie Johnson
Denza Gonsalves
Mike Day
Steve Coole
Zahra Butt
Scott Farmer
Tom Ritchie
Michael Wigg
Ben Vulliamy
Jamie Stratton
Jan Sowa
Nina Musgrave
Andy Morwood
Jack Medlin
Gemma Painter
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